Secondary Division



The Secondary Education Division of Accl Speed Athletics Academy offers a variety of courses to fulfill New Mexico
diploma of excellence requirements while partnering to meet other standards.

Delivering vocational education in a blended learning
format allows our students and student
athletes to exercise flexibility as it relates to academics. Flexible learning opportunities along with New Mexico labor laws allow the Academy to utilize gainful employment to both motivate and retain students in education.

Specialty Content Areas

Physical Education

Honors Social Studies
(African American History)

Career Cluster

Art Electives


Admissions Application

Public vs Private School Completion Requirements

In public school, students must complete a minimum of twenty-four credits with at least one of the credits being an advanced placement (AP) or honors course, or a dual-credit course, or a distance learning course. Students must also demonstrate competency in the five core content areas: mathematics, reading, writing, science, and social studies.

  • English: 4 credits
  • Mathematics: 3 credits (previously 4, but Algebra II is no longer mandatory)
  • Science: 3 credits
  • Social Studies: 3.5 credits
  • Physical Education: 1 credit
  • Health Education: 0.5 credits
  • Electives: 9 credits, which can include Career Technical Education (CTE), internships, and project-based learning courses

Our private school follows an individualized completion format less rigid than public schools. Students have options such as advanced, dual-credit, or distance learning courses selected based on interest and need.

High-school Diploma

Though there is a cost involved based on credits completed. Diplomas are awardable through *Penn Foster in addition to an ASAA certificate.

Parent Participation Plan

Next Step Plan


Parent and Student Guide