Post Secondary Prep

The Post Secondary Prep course at Accl Speed Athletics Academy, is a comprehensive six-week program designed for high school student parents, mentors, and transitioning students.

The course begins with an introduction to its goals, objectives, and an overview of key topics. It emphasizes accountability by fostering two-way engagement between instructors and students, peer interactions, and the use of artificial intelligence.

The course also covers retention techniques such as repetition writing, listening, imagery, drawing, and practical application.

Motivation strategies are addressed to help students remember their purpose, challenge themselves, and complete tasks.

Additionally, the course covers time management, exploring life-work balance, prioritization, deadlines, connectivity, preparation, and responding to instructor feedback. It also provides success strategies for transitioning students, offering tips for academic achievement and personal development.

The course concludes with a comprehensive review, final assessments, feedback, and future planning and goal setting.