Mission & Vision


To stimulate education interest and advance the knowledge of those proficient in sports education while quantifying knowledge through high-performance results.


The academy will be recognized as an alternative in New Mexico for sports education, administrator and coach development.

Core Values

Accessibility, Equity, Excellence, Freedom of information

Values guide policy making and provide a strong base for steering the Academy’s efforts, resources, and conduct. Four values will be used as guides for the Academy to implement framework messages.

  • Accessibility
  • Equity
  • Excellence
  • Freedom of Information

Accessibility: Those who qualify for courses will develop a strong general learning desire and satisfy their interest utilizing internet data, an email account, and computer/cell phone access.

Equity: The Academy looks to be an open opportunity employer hiring some of the best unknown educators in the area. Issues of age, gender, sexuality and provincial origin will not cloud the hiring process.

Excellence: The Academy will be committed to delivering high-quality programmes, teaching, outreach, and monitoring.

Freedom of Information: ‘ Freedom to access Academy content with ease with acceptance of the responsibility to protect the material. Accessibility of Academy content 20 hours a day 7 days a week for an unlimited amount of time during the term and or semester of delivery.

Strategic Perspectives These four strategic perspectives will allow

for the identification of separate and associated objectives within

the Academy’s operations. Objectives within will allow for

measurement on the path to achieving the vision.

I. Financial

II. Employee Engagement and Development

III. Teaching, Learning and Student Development

IV. Research and Innovation

V. Outreach