Code of Conduct

The Academy’s mission is to stimulate the education interest of knowledge seekers and advance the knowledge of those proficient in health, physical, and sports education while quantifying knowledge through high-performance results.

In pursuing this mission our staff is committed to establishing a positive reputation for administration to guide employee conduct.

Adhering to the code of conduct will align Academy with what is common in societies around the world. A display of expectations will be accessible to students and staff.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Student records may only be accessed by presenting identification to testing center location monitors with proper identification (NID card, passport, drivers license, school identification), these should be accompanied by a written request for access.

Alternatively, an email to the Academy with a copy of student identification, and an official request letter is acceptable.

Parents are eligible to request grade access of students who are 19 years of age and below. Institutions, programs or sponsors are eligible to access student records upon request to monitor student progress versus investment.

Authority to Bind the Academy

Only Officers of ACCL SPEED LLC Inc may bind the Academy, statutory officers such as the Executive Director or Treasurer may proceed on behalf of the Academy.

Safeguarding Academy Assets ACCL SPEED LLC is responsible for safeguarding financial and physical assets and being alert to possible exposures, errors, and irregularities. Internal control weaknesses identification shall be instituted to permit misuse, misappropriation, or destruction of assets.

Administration and Operations

Accepting Electronic Payments

The Academy will only accept payment cards authorized by the ACCL SPEED LLC and approved brands. No complete card account numbers will be stored in the treasury database without the written approval of the treasury office. Mixed numbers in approved formats is an acceptable method of storage.